For this project, I created a wearable digital twin for expecting mothers. The digital twin aspect of this design tracks the growth of the fetus/baby inside the pregnant mother's belly and tracks the mother and child's heart rate. I had an old version of this design, and I decided to update it based on my love for the project and wish for it to improve. I gained my 3D modeling skills after this project, and I wanted to model it. This project has two parts, the wearable device itself, and the app the information is stored on.
Below are my ideation, sketches, and original design for the Baby Tracker. I wanted to update this old design and make it into something better.
Below are my updated watch and app screens created in Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to keep the overall design the same but decided to change the size of the watch face, the color scheme, the sizes of certain icons, icon designs, information, and more.
Below are my Fusion 360 models of the watch, with different views and even an exploded one.

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